Monday, 8 August 2011
Societatea Romanca participa la Festivalul Callatis , 9-15 august 2011, Roma
Festivalul Callatis se va desfăşura în premieră în afara graniţelor ţării, la Roma, în perioada 9 - 15 august, şi va cuprinde mai multe manifestări printre care Simpozionul Românilor de Pretutindeni, Salonul Artiştilor Români de Pretutindeni, Miss Diaspora, dar şi spectacole de muzică.
Potrivit Mediafax ediţia 2011 se va desfăşura sub genericul "Grazzie Roma. Callatis ti saluta!". În acest an, în premieră, Festivalul Callatis - Festivalul Românilor de Pretutindeni se desfăşoară în afara graniţelor ţării la propunea Asociaţiei Românilor din Italia, pornind de la faptul că în Italia se află cea mai mare comunitate românească din diasporă.
Cea de-a XII-a ediţie a Festivalului Callatis, cu toate brandurile evenimentului - Simpozionul Românilor de Pretutindeni - Hai Acasă, Plaza România, Salonul Artiştilor Români de Pretutindeni (SARP) şi Miss Diaspora -, este organizată de Asociaţia Românilor din Italia (ARI), Pro Familia şi Aldaco Film, sub patronajul Roma Capitale (Primăria Generală a Romei).
Participarea Societatii Romanca este consistenta propunand cateva repere in atentia participantilor:
-Inaugurarea postului de radio online Radio Tv
-Lansare de carte-Antologia scriitorilor romani contemporani din intreaga lume, autor Lygia Diaconescu, Ed Starpress 2011
-Lansare de carte -Parfumul ingerilor, autor Ionela Flood, Ed Deliana, 2010, Bucuresti
-lansare de carte-Soaptele vantului, autor Ionela Flood, Editie trilingva (romana, engleza, italiana), Transylvanian Edition Publishing House, 2011, Londra
-Expozitie ilustratie de carte-Ioan Astalus, Adina Romanescu, Adela Ursache, Amy Lee si Petre Vlaic
-Expozitie de miniaturi vegetale-autor Ioan Astalus
-prezentarea proiectelor Societatii Romanca
Va asteptam alaturi de noi la Festivalul Callatis pentru a sarbatori dainuirea spiritului romanesc in lume.
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
Monday, 25 July 2011
“International youth creative camp” first edition, Slatina, 2011
“International youth creative camp ” first edition, Slatina, 2011 is organized by Cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center in partnership with Slatina City Hall , with financial support of Ministry of culture and National Heritage and with the kind the support of Romanca Society UK and Asociatia de Tineret Ro Madrid Cultural Club.
The camp has the role to meet young artists (painters) from Romania, UK and Spain. They could exchange ideas or current art but in the same time, they have the possibility to make an exhibition with works that represents historical center of Slatina (Lipscani Street). This project offers young generations of artists, great possibilities, but in the same time it promotes Romanian contemporary art, international.
The camp creative “International youth creative camp” addresses young artists, with ages 18 – 35 years.
The camp will take place in Slatina, Olt District, during 1-10 August 2011.
The camp theme is architecture. The youth artists will make paintings with houses historical monuments from Lipscani Street.
Organizers provide internal transport (in Romania), accommodation and meals for invited participants. The participants will support the international transport.
Each participant will receive the necessary materials (except easels) and five canvases to make paintings. Each artist will donate two paintings to Slatina City Hall and one to cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center. The paintings will be kept in the archives of the both institutions and will be made an exhibition – debate about the architecture of the houses build on the Lipscani Street.
The authors will sign their paintings donated and the organizers might reproduce the picture, with the authors’ written consent, because they want to promote the project in mass – media, to publish these pictures in a print and / or digital catalog and the organizers want to promote the pictures in exhibitions in our country or abroad.
The artists from this camp creative will receive diplomas.
Please see below the schedule of the camp.
Please contact Ionela Flood if you are interested to take part in this exciting opportunity.
Ionela Flood
Chair -Romanca Society
Phone UK: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Mobile UK: 00 44 (0)75 15 25 35 84
Mobile RO: 0040 730 268 338
Skype: ionelaflood
Mssg ID: ionelaella
“International youth creative camp”
First edition, Slatina, 1 - 10 August 2011
01 August 2011
Hour 08 - 11: the arrival of participants
12: official opening of camps
Press conference about what will happening during the camp creative
Promoting activity, leaflets and promotional materials.
Location : cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina
13 – 14: accommodation of participants
14 – 15: lunch
15 – 17: the time camp
17 – 20: workshop, : camp presentation goals and objectives; field works where you find the locations for the activities
Location: Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina, Lipscani Street from Slatina, Gradistea Hill.
20.30 – 21. 30: dinner
21.30: free time
02 August 2011- 08 August 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9.30 – 13.30: the work on the Lpscani Street
14 – 15: lunch
15 - 16.30: free time
17 – 20: work on the Lpscani Street
20.30 – 21. 30: dinner
09 August 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9- 13.30: go to Art Museum Craiova for visiting the place where Brancusi worked; the meeting with the art critic Florin Rogneanu, the director of Art Museum Craiova
14 – 15: lunch
15.30 – 16. 30: press conference , presents the results amp
16. 30 – free time, visit Slatina City
20.30 – 21.30: dinner
10 august 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9 – 13: go to Boian Plain Museum , visit neolith village Gumelnita
13. 30 – 14. 30: lunch
14.30 - 15.30: free time
15.30: the donation of works made by the participants to the organizers according to camp rules
- the balance of work activity done in the camp
- the close of the camp
- the departure of the participants
Location: Cultural Center “ Eugen Ionescu”
Note: during the camp will be organized cultural events in The Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina ( literary evenings, watching movies, folk music etc.
Contacts in Romania :
George Smarandache, telefon (+40)0741046644
e-mail: sau
Ciurea Valeru, telefon (+40)0742065379
e-mail: sau
Monica Floarea, telefon (+40)0744646357
“International youth creative camp” first edition, Slatina, 2011 is organized by Cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center in partnership with Slatina City Hall , with financial support of Ministry of culture and National Heritage and with the kind the support of Romanca Society UK and Asociatia de Tineret Ro Madrid Cultural Club.
The camp has the role to meet young artists (painters) from Romania, UK and Spain. They could exchange ideas or current art but in the same time, they have the possibility to make an exhibition with works that represents historical center of Slatina (Lipscani Street). This project offers young generations of artists, great possibilities, but in the same time it promotes Romanian contemporary art, international.
The camp creative “International youth creative camp” addresses young artists, with ages 18 – 35 years.
The camp will take place in Slatina, Olt District, during 1-10 August 2011.
The camp theme is architecture. The youth artists will make paintings with houses historical monuments from Lipscani Street.
Organizers provide internal transport (in Romania), accommodation and meals for invited participants. The participants will support the international transport.
Each participant will receive the necessary materials (except easels) and five canvases to make paintings. Each artist will donate two paintings to Slatina City Hall and one to cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center. The paintings will be kept in the archives of the both institutions and will be made an exhibition – debate about the architecture of the houses build on the Lipscani Street.
The authors will sign their paintings donated and the organizers might reproduce the picture, with the authors’ written consent, because they want to promote the project in mass – media, to publish these pictures in a print and / or digital catalog and the organizers want to promote the pictures in exhibitions in our country or abroad.
The artists from this camp creative will receive diplomas.
Please see below the schedule of the camp.
Please contact Ionela Flood if you are interested to take part in this exciting opportunity.
Ionela Flood
Chair -Romanca Society
Phone UK: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Mobile UK: 00 44 (0)75 15 25 35 84
Mobile RO: 0040 730 268 338
Skype: ionelaflood
Mssg ID: ionelaella
“International youth creative camp”
First edition, Slatina, 1 - 10 August 2011
01 August 2011
Hour 08 - 11: the arrival of participants
12: official opening of camps
Press conference about what will happening during the camp creative
Promoting activity, leaflets and promotional materials.
Location : cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina
13 – 14: accommodation of participants
14 – 15: lunch
15 – 17: the time camp
17 – 20: workshop, : camp presentation goals and objectives; field works where you find the locations for the activities
Location: Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina, Lipscani Street from Slatina, Gradistea Hill.
20.30 – 21. 30: dinner
21.30: free time
02 August 2011- 08 August 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9.30 – 13.30: the work on the Lpscani Street
14 – 15: lunch
15 - 16.30: free time
17 – 20: work on the Lpscani Street
20.30 – 21. 30: dinner
09 August 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9- 13.30: go to Art Museum Craiova for visiting the place where Brancusi worked; the meeting with the art critic Florin Rogneanu, the director of Art Museum Craiova
14 – 15: lunch
15.30 – 16. 30: press conference , presents the results amp
16. 30 – free time, visit Slatina City
20.30 – 21.30: dinner
10 august 2011
8 – 9: breakfast
9 – 13: go to Boian Plain Museum , visit neolith village Gumelnita
13. 30 – 14. 30: lunch
14.30 - 15.30: free time
15.30: the donation of works made by the participants to the organizers according to camp rules
- the balance of work activity done in the camp
- the close of the camp
- the departure of the participants
Location: Cultural Center “ Eugen Ionescu”
Note: during the camp will be organized cultural events in The Cultural Center “Eugen Ionescu” Slatina ( literary evenings, watching movies, folk music etc.
Contacts in Romania :
George Smarandache, telefon (+40)0741046644
e-mail: sau
Ciurea Valeru, telefon (+40)0742065379
e-mail: sau
Monica Floarea, telefon (+40)0744646357
“International youth creative camp” first edition, Slatina, 2011 is organized by Cultural Association Center Inter Art. Romania International Art Center in partnership with Slatina City Hall , with financial support of Ministry of culture and National Heritage and with the kind the support of Romanca Society UK and Asociatia de Tineret Ro Madrid Cultural Club.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Invitation to composers 2011- Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm
Dear Friends,
I am welcoming you to the new work of Invitation to Composers Project 2011.
Please come along and enjoy the work of contemporary composers that will be presented during this year in UK, France and Romania by Anda Anastasescu and London Schubert Players. The fist 2 event will take place in London:

Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 7.30pm
Bolivar Hall 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL
Entrance free
Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 7.00pm
ICR London- 1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH
Entrance free
More information from
I am looking forward to see you,
Ionela Flood
Info Manager Association Romania
Partner of Invitation to Composers Project
Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm
Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight,
and hurt not.
The Tempest, Shakespeare.
The London Schubert Players welcome you to the mysterious sounds of their next journeys:
- the magical musical world of Ravel and Faure
- the film-like music of the Jewish-Ethiopian story which brought many international awards to Radu Mihaileanu's film Va, vis et deviens
- a meditation by a Serbo-Croat composer on Japanese poet Basho
- the colourful and delightful rhythms of Venezuelan and Romanian dances
- the poetical paths of Heine, Baudelaire and Tennyson put to music by composers Silvestri, Cashian and Nickol.

The two events are part of Invitation to Composers international project, which has enriched Europe’s cultural heritage in 2010 and 2011 with 40 valuable works inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. It is building bridges between great traditions of music of the past and contemporary thought, without the use of electronics and non-musical experiments. It was one of 87 projects selected by the European Commission out of 298 for its recent cultural programmes. It has caught the interest, imagination and admiration of over 100 professional composers and 80 performers worldwide, the composition department of London’s Royal Academy of Music, record distributors, festival directors and music lovers.
The book to be launched contains the Bournemouth Symphony players' impressions about the legendary Romanian conductor Constantin Silvestri; and the unique film, shown publicly in Britain for the first time on July 6th, a tremendous performance of Silvestri conducting the French National Radio Orchestra in Liszt's poem Tasso and Silvestri's own work Prelude and Fugue (Toccata).

We want to share these journeys, entrance is free and a glass of wine will be waiting for you!
See you soon,
Yours in Music,
Anda and the London Schubert Players
European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti
British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora
Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
Romanian Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda
Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk
I am welcoming you to the new work of Invitation to Composers Project 2011.
Please come along and enjoy the work of contemporary composers that will be presented during this year in UK, France and Romania by Anda Anastasescu and London Schubert Players. The fist 2 event will take place in London:

Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 7.30pm
Bolivar Hall 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL
Entrance free
Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 7.00pm
ICR London- 1 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH
Entrance free
More information from
I am looking forward to see you,
Ionela Flood
Info Manager Association Romania
Partner of Invitation to Composers Project
Concerts, composers' talk, book launch and film: 29 June at 7.30pm & 6 July at 7.00pm
Be not afeard: the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight,
and hurt not.
The Tempest, Shakespeare.
The London Schubert Players welcome you to the mysterious sounds of their next journeys:
- the magical musical world of Ravel and Faure
- the film-like music of the Jewish-Ethiopian story which brought many international awards to Radu Mihaileanu's film Va, vis et deviens
- a meditation by a Serbo-Croat composer on Japanese poet Basho
- the colourful and delightful rhythms of Venezuelan and Romanian dances
- the poetical paths of Heine, Baudelaire and Tennyson put to music by composers Silvestri, Cashian and Nickol.

The two events are part of Invitation to Composers international project, which has enriched Europe’s cultural heritage in 2010 and 2011 with 40 valuable works inspired by music, literature, visual arts, history and nature. It is building bridges between great traditions of music of the past and contemporary thought, without the use of electronics and non-musical experiments. It was one of 87 projects selected by the European Commission out of 298 for its recent cultural programmes. It has caught the interest, imagination and admiration of over 100 professional composers and 80 performers worldwide, the composition department of London’s Royal Academy of Music, record distributors, festival directors and music lovers.
The book to be launched contains the Bournemouth Symphony players' impressions about the legendary Romanian conductor Constantin Silvestri; and the unique film, shown publicly in Britain for the first time on July 6th, a tremendous performance of Silvestri conducting the French National Radio Orchestra in Liszt's poem Tasso and Silvestri's own work Prelude and Fugue (Toccata).

We want to share these journeys, entrance is free and a glass of wine will be waiting for you!
See you soon,
Yours in Music,
Anda and the London Schubert Players
European Union Culture Fund, Programme 2007-2013
London Schubert Players Trust
Lionel Tertis Foundation, London
Institutul Cultural Roman, Paris
Institutul Cultural Roman, Londra
Asociatia Info Manager, Bucuresti
British Council Romania
Universitatea de Muzica Bucuresti
Exclusive Holidays
Hotel Rembrandt
Opus Musica
Ambasada României in Marea Britanie
Ambasada României in Franţa
Universite Paris 8
Academia de Muzica Gheorghe Dima Cluj
Fundaţia Tertis
Music Information Centre Norway
Românca Society
Radio Ciocârlia
Asociaţia Adolescentul
Pro Diaspora
Radio Romania Cultural
Radio Romania Muzical
Radio Romania Actualitati
Radio Romania International
Romanian Global News
Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Turism si Afaceri
Aşii României
Reţeaua Literară
Revista Vatra Veche
Fundatia Asturian
Fundaţia Heron
Asociaţia Unirea Viena
Ziarul Romanesc
Diaspora Online
Nou Horizont
Niram Art
Revista Oglinda
Români Online
Români in UK
Stewart’s Melville College Edinburg
The Griffon Partnership Norfolk

Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Expoziţie de carte şi port popular românesc, 20 iunie 2011, orele 18.30 , la sediul Ambasadei din 1 Belgrave Square, Londra

Expoziţie de carte şi port popular românesc
20 Iunie 2011, orele 18.30 – În prezenţa Ambasadorului României în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord, Dr. Ion Jinga, la sediul Ambasadei din 1 Belgrave Square, SW1X 8PH, va avea loc “Expoziţia de carte şi port popular românesc” organizată de Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor împreună cu Societatea Românca.
Evenimentul are drept scop prezentarea valenţelor portului popular românesc şi reuneşte următorii invitaţi:
- Dl. Vasile Timiş, Secretar de Stat, Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional;
- Conf. Univ.Dr.Paula Popoiu, Director General, Muzeul Satului –Bucureşti;
- Conf.Dr. Elena Tirziman, Director General, Biblioteca Naţionala a României;
- Dr. Sanda Miller, scriitor şi lector universitar;
- Drd. Ionela Flood, scriitor, preşedintele Societăţii Românca
Conf. Univ Dr. Paula Popoiu va vorbi despre portul popular iar patru tineri români purtând costume naţionale vor pune în valoare culoarea şi farmecul tradiţiilor păstrătoare ale spiritului românesc.
Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor va face o donaţie de carte şi costume populare Ambasadei României la Londra.
Conf. Dr. Elena Tirziman va prezenta fondul de carte care face obiectul donaţiei, în dialog cu publicul.
Lansarea volumului de poezie Parfumul Ingerilor, de Ionela Flood, va completa programul serii. Cartea cu ilustraţii realizate de Ioan Astalus, Adina Romanescu, Petre Vlaic, Amy Lee şi Adela Ursache, este însoţită de un CD multimedia.

Evenimentul va include, de asemenea, un recital susţinut de pianista Diana Ionescu.
Acest proiect iniţiat de Ştefan Giurcă, membru fondator al Asociaţiei Române din Ţara Galilor, se bucură de sprijinul Administraţiei Prezidenţiale, Ambasadei României la Londra, Ministerului Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional, Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, Muzeului Naţional al Satului “Dimitrie Gusti” – Bucureşti, Ansamblului Folcloric Busuiocul Bacău, precum şi al Televiziunii Române.
Va rugam sa confirmati prezenta Dvs. la acest eveniment pana la data de 18 iunie pe adresa sau sms la tel 07515253584.
Ionela Flood-Societatea Românca si Stefan Giurca-Asociaţia Română din Ţara Galilor
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Societatea Romanca participa la un eveniment cultural de exceptie la Centrul Cultural "Eugen Ionescu", 17 mai 2011, ora 17

Primăria municipiului Slatina, Centrul Cultural „Eugen Ionescu“ şi Asociaţia Culturală Center Inter Art. Centrul Internaţional de Artă România vă oferă prilejul unor întâlniri de suflet marţi, 17 mai 2011.
Cu începere de la ora 17,00 foaierul sălii de spectacole a Centrului Cultural „Eugen Ionescu“ va fi gazda unui eveniment cultural de excepţie: INTERLUDICA.
În cadrul acestui eveniment veţi putea admira:
- Expoziţia de design absurd a studenţilor anului II Design din cadrul Univesităţii de Artă şi Design Cluj coordonaţi de prof. univ. dr. Cristian Cheşuţ, intitulată LOGICA ABSURDULUI.
- Expoziţia de ilustraţie de carte semnată Cristian Cheşuţ, intitulată MEMORII JUSTIFICATIVE.
- Sub titulatura AUTOGRAFE PE SUFLET veţi fi alături de scriitorul şi dramaturgul Cornel Udrea care vine de la Cluj cu o serie de cărţi dintre care una va fi prezentată publicului slătinean în mod special: Autoflagelează-mă, Silvestra!, apărută la Editura Pro Vita, Cluj. Tot aici va fi lansată şi cartea lui George Smarandache, Ecoul luminii, apărută la Editura Casa Ciurea, Slatina cu sprijinul Societăţii ROMÂNCA, înfiinţată în anul 2005 şi care organizează proiecte şi activităţi pentru membrii săi şi comunitatea din Londra şi Marea Britanie, în încercarea de a păstra vii tradiţiile, cultura şi limba română şi în a le face recunoscute şi respectate în noua ţară adoptivă, Marea Britanie. Va fi prezentă şi reprezentanta acestei societăţi, doamna Ionela Flood care vine din nou la Slatina după lansarea aici a volumelor de poezie „Ţărmurile iubirii“ şi „Parfumul îngerilor“.
- Târgul de carte umoristică HILARIA îşi propune a ne descreţi frunţile cu literatură şi dramaturgie de bună calitate, semnate de nume importante ale literaturii de astăzi.
- Subintitulată Filme la purtător cu Florin Piersic, HARAP ALB CU ... TVA este o prezentare a filmelor în care a jucat actorul Florin Piersic, începând cu Harap Alb.
- La ora ora 18,30 în sala de spectacole a Centrului Cultural „Eugen Ionescu“ va avea loc un recital extraordinar al actorului Dorel Vişan intitulat CUVINTELE CU OCHII MARI.
Evenimentul se înscrie între cele pe care Primăria municipiului şi Consiliul Local Slatina împreună cu Centrul Cultural „Eugen Ionescu“ şi Asociaţia Culturală Center Inter Art. Centrul Internaţional de Artă România le oferă slătinenilor, alături de alte spectacole de înaltă ţinută artistică.
Sunteţi aşteptaţi, ca de fiecare dată, să vă bucuraţi de prezenţa unor invitaţi de marcă ai literaturii, artei plastice şi teatrului.
Valeru Ciurea
George Smarandache
Saturday, 30 April 2011
CORPUSTRIP IN LONDON -30 APRIL 2011 , 9 pm-Photos exhibition, books and fun

for its 7th HAPPENING!
Arena Design Center, Unit G
71 ashfield rd
N4 1FF London
(Closest underground, Manor House or Seven Sisters)
CORPUSTRIP is a temporary and traveling exhibition, a one night event that will run more than 10000 km over the next two months, reaching almost 20 European cities, each of which will host a different happening-presentation of the CORPUS: the photographic series of 64 portraits in b/w taken by Luca Donnini between Rome, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Vienna, Ljubljana, Belgrade and Istanbul from 2007 to 2010.
On April 20, 2011, the CORPUSTRIP crew - comprised of Luca Donnini, Adi Chiru, Alessio Maximilian Schroder, Lola Kola and Simona Santelli– started on a visual journey around Europe, with the intent to showcase the CORPUS Photo Project in an unusual way.
The photographic series by Luca Donnini, printed in large format and transported from city to city, will be the means to build from time to time different and unexpected mise en scène: unique and unplanned events, re-created each time around a different installation hosted by an unusual space, occupied or abandoned, unfinished or waiting for inspiration, flexible as temporary turned into a place of experience.
Google map,+London+N4+1FF&gl=uk&ei=znu2TYSKKYrF8QPY36hO&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA
to follow the tour and find out when we'll arrive in your city so you can join us, please see the blog on our official site
for more details on the dates please see the blog
there is also a facebook page
for contact and suggestions
Get ready and many thanks for passing on this info
Corpustrip crew
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Urari pentru Sfintele Sarbatori Pascale / Happy Easter!

Sfintele Sarbatori Pascale sa va aduca lumina si implinire sufleteasca !
Echipa Societatii Romnaca
All our best wishes for your Easter Holidays!
The Team of Romanca Society
Te-ai coborat -muzica si versurile Corneliu Pavel

Icoana realizata de catre Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru -Atelierul de iconografie al Societatii Romanca
Durerea striga in nestire
caci Adevarul s-a luat la harta
cu Omenirea dusa in ispita
pe-ntunecatele carari.
Caci ne-au cazut si pleoapele si gandul
Cand plansului-i venise randul
S-adune povara stransa pe comori
S-o curga in sirurile de cocori.
Cati ingeri s-au nascut pe cale
De nu ajunsera nici aripi, nici ninsoare
sa stinga flacara aprinsa cu Neindurare
de-atata Neputinta , Ura, Inselare?
De-atata plans si ganduri ferecate
De-al meu si-al tau si al Durerii
Pe marea de lacrimi adunate
Din cer ploua marunt si bland
Cu Pace si Mister.
Fragment din volumul Parfumul ingerilor de Ionela Flood, Ed Deliana, Bucuresti 2010

Sf Gheorghe-Icoana realizata de catre Aurelia Chiriac Carabinieru -Atelierul de iconografie al Societatii Romanca
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